“The No More I-Hate-Marketing course exceeded my expectations! Massively insightful, but delightfully simple.

This is one of the few courses I have come across that offers PDF downloads for each lesson, and though not every learner needs that, I definitely appreciate it.

The course is also highly interactive, and though at first I resisted the idea of the longer lessons, they were well worth it.

Yes, especially the longest one (30 min), which is where the real magic happened for me! A true, deep paradigm shift… thank you, Angela! ”   ~ M-T. LeR.


“Thank you so very much for creating this course, Angela.

Just the ten minutes of tapping I did at the beginning of the tapping video helped me to make a breakthrough by blasting away a lot of the mental bullpucky I’ve been carrying around for years.

I was not a fan of tapping before taking this course, but now I’m looking forward to continuing my tapping journey.” 
~ M.S.


“WOW ! ! I love this course !

I have learned so much from Angela and have already seen results with EFT/tapping in just under a week.

This course is easy to understand and implement in your life. So simple to do.
And Angela explains everything for any experience level with ease.” 
~ A.M.